Whatever your giving goals, Waccamaw Community Foundation can help you achieve them.

Our Funds
By offering a variety of funds, Waccamaw Community Foundation helps donors connect with the causes and organizations they care about most. Some of our donors choose to designate their funds to specific organizations, while others start field-of-interest funds, opening funding to any organization that meet certain criteria.
Other donors set up scholarship funds to help local students in need to attend college. Endowed funds last in perpetuity, continuing your philanthropic legacy forever. We work directly with donors, financial planners and attorneys to help make charitable giving simple.
Contact our staff for more information about how Waccamaw Community Foundation can help you achieve your charitable goals at or 843-357-4483.
For a complete listing of our funds, please click here.
Fundholder Portal
Fundholders of Waccamaw Community Foundation have access to our online Fundholder Portal to view their fund balances; see their detailed contribution history; make grant recommendations; donate to any of our funds; and more.
If you are ready to login, please follow this link to the Fundholder Portal.
All existing Fundholders should have received their username and instructions on setting a password in an email from us. If you need any assistance logging in, please contact our staff at or 843-357-4483.
In addition, our staff has created a Fundholder Portal Guide that will walk you through the different features in the new system. You can access it here.
Giving Now and Later
Gifts to Waccamaw Community Foundation to establish a new fund or grow a current fund are quick and easy for staff to process for you.
Cash gift: The simplest way to contribute to a fund is through a cash donation. The Foundation accepts check, wire transfer and credit cards, as well as gifts of stock, real estate and life insurance.
Planned Gifts: When you set up a planned gift through Waccamaw Community Foundation, your gift can benefit our entire community and ensure a stronger future for the Waccamaw region. Options include:
- Bequests: Maintain full control of your resources during your lifetime and reduce your taxable estate by remembering Waccamaw Community Foundation in your will or living trust.
- Retirement Plans: By naming Waccamaw Community Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirement account, such as a 403(b) or traditional IRA, you can avoid passing on heavy income and estate taxes to your heirs.
- Charitable Lead Trust: Build a charitable fund with Waccamaw Community Foundation during your lifetime and designate anyone you choose as the final beneficiary of your trust upon your passing.
We work with Professional Advisors to create the best giving plan for you. By setting up a planned gift through Waccamaw Community Foundation, you join those who have made arrangements to leave a charitable legacy.
Contact our staff to discuss planned giving options available to you at or 843-357-4483.